+33 (0)6 99 18 92 61 | contact@cobogo.fr     FR/EN      

Chargement en cours...

How does it work?

Every day, from April 20th to November 4th.
Upon reservation only.
The games take place outside. We recommend comfortable shoes and sun protection during summer.

Choose a game and fill in the online booking form. While filling in the number of participants (from 12 years old). Once the online payment is completed, your booking is validated, and you receive a confirmation email with all the information.

On the D-day, you meet the Cobogo organiser in the centre of Royan, who introduces you to the plot and rules of the game. He/she gives you the game starter kit including: a map of the area, a notebook of riddles, and some mysterious objects that will make sense once you start playing.

With your teammates, look for clues, solve the puzzles and try to open the chest! Be quick, you only have a limited time to complete the hunt!


At the beginning of the game, you will meet the Cobogo organiser. He/she will give you the game starter kit and explain the plot, the rules and the ultimate goal. Then, enigmas will guide you through the city, looking for clues. At the end of the allotted time, you meet the Cobogo organiser again and try to open the chest! When several teams compete, a ranking is done by the organiser and a price rewards the best team.

Any time during the game, you can ask us for help. Simply send a sms with a code we give you at the beginning of the game. We will give you hints to get back on tracks. If you are still stuck, you can also call us for help inquiry.
You might also find help using your smartphone (GPS, Internet), but it is not required to have one to complete the game.

The routes and enigmas are designed for adults and children above 12. Younger kids can join you in this adventure but they will not be able to participate in solving the enigmas. Also it might be difficult for them to keep up with the pace of the limited time game.

Les jeux de piste Cobogo, un escape game en plein air Royan pays royannais